Nova IVF Fertility
MD, MRM (UK), DRM (Germany)
Dr. Ritu Hinduja was a consultant fertility specialist and research coordinator at Rotunda CHR (Bandra, Mumbai) from 2012 to 2015.
She has completed Masters in Reproductive Medicine from Homerton University Hospital Foundation Trust in London, UK and Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from Keil University, Germany. She has also received formal training in the field of Reproductive Medicine from Institut Marques (Barcelona, Spain) and Assuta Hospital (Tel Aviv, Israel).
Her expertise lies in all the techniques of assisted reproduction. She has keen interest in the area of fertility preservation for cancer patients and also for women planning to delay child bearing. She believes in helping women with poor ovarian reserve to conceive using their own eggs whenever possible.
Speciality - Gynecology & Obstetrics
Special Interest - Reproductive Medicine
MOGS: Shantabai Gulabchand Travelling Fellowship award, 2015-16
MOGS: Dr C G Saraiya Travelling Fellowship award 2016-17
Recipient of the Best paper award at Central Asia Regional Conference organised by Association of Medical women in India 2010
Best Poster award at the Annual Conference of AMOGS 2009