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Back pain is very common in our new lifestyles. Nearly 8 out of 10 adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. Fortunately, lower back pain which is commonly found in adults can get better on its own. But for some it may become a recurring condition and the doctor’s advice for spine surgery for the worst case, the word surgery brings a lot of anxiety to the people due to the chances of complications involved in it. The word surgery provokes almost everyone whether it’s a college student who has become a recluse because of back pain or a bedridden elderly patient, surgery is a big ‘NO’.

The decision to consider back surgery always comes after conservative options and many top spine surgery hospitals in India can give you the best advice and best treatment. Here are a few common reasons when an orthopedic will recommend back surgery as the only option.

When do you need back surgery?

Back surgery can be the best choice for the doctors if conservative options haven’t worked and the pain is persistent and disabling. After an adequate period of waiting and observation, the doctors suggest surgery. The three main conditions when the patient is advised surgery is:

When the patient has developed difficulty or even blockage in passing urine, due to severe nerve compression in the back. This condition is considered to be serious and needs a medical emergency at once and surgery has to be done to operate it.

The second condition is when the patient has developed progressive weakness which means the part of the leg most commonly the ankle is getting weaker over time thus increasing nerve damage due to compression.

The third condition is pain, it does not mean the patient when experiencing normal pain has to get surgery to get relief. It is the case when the patient's back pain is not relieved with non-surgical methods like painkillers, physiotherapy, etc. they might be recommended to get the surgery done by the best spine surgeon in India

Types of Back Surgery:

Selecting the right surgery also plays an important role, when to add fusion or when to do just decompression. The surgeon before finalizing the surgery asks for many tests then he decides the type of surgery that should be done for your case. Different type of back surgery includes:

Discectomy: This surgery involves the removal of the herniated portion of a disk to relieve inflammation and irritation of a nerve. Discectomy involves the removal of the back portion of a vertebra to access the ruptured disk.

Laminectomy: This surgery involves the removal of bone overlying the spinal canal. This enlarges the spinal canal and is performed to relieve nerve pressure caused by spinal stenosis. 

Fusion: By this surgery, two or more bones are permanently connected to the spine. This can relieve pain by adding stability to a spinal fracture. This surgery is done to eliminate painful motion between vertebrae that can result from an injured disk. One of the examples of fusion surgery is a Transforaminal Interbody Lumbar Fusion (TLIF) which permanently fuses, unites, bones of the spine.

Artificial disks: Implanted disks are a treatment alternative to spinal fusion for painful movement between two vertebrae. But sometimes these devices can’t be an ultimate option.

Is Spinal Surgery Dangerous?

Yes, there are many potential complications that can occur with spine surgery. The surgery has some risks depending on your health condition. Even though you may find few complications, the mortality rate is very low and as per the study, the mortality rate is 0.13% out of 803,949 lunar spine surgery patients.

What are the possible complications you can suffer due to surgery?

The nature of surgery increases the risk of severe complications if they occur. Some complications also occur due to the error in surgery, but it is a rare case especially if you are getting the surgery done in the top Orthopedic Hospitals in India. The complication rate for back surgeries is generally low but there are still chances of varieties of health issues that can be serious.

Some of them are:

  • Deep venous thrombosis
  • Dural tear
  • Lung issues
  • Infection
  • Hardware malfunction
  • Continued pain
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Transitional syndrome
  • Pseudoarthrosis

The Bottom Line:

Surgery is the treatment people hesitate to undergo. But keyhole surgeries have made spine surgeries safer and reduced the recovery time. Spine surgery has evolved and the methods have become less painful and also the complication rate has gone down especially if done with the experienced doctors of India. Due to the success rate and fewer complications people from various countries consider getting the surgery done with the good orthopedic hospitals in India and therefore the medical value of travel in India has also increased. Hence, if needed you must consider getting the surgery done before it’s late.

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