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Children are precious gifts and every couple dreams of building a sweet home for themselves. Though many are blessed with kids naturally, many people are struggling to accomplish this purpose. There are women with infertility issues such as fibroids, obesity and various other reasons. Fibroids could be considered the riskiest element that affects your pregnancy and needs to be treated. IVF treatment in India is a boon for those desperately searching for treatment. If the embryos start implanting in the uterus lining, pregnancy is confirmed.

What are fibroids?

Uterine Fibroids are noncancerous tumor cells that are formed in the muscle tissues present in the uterus. Fibroids are abnormal noncancerous growths that gradually develop on a woman’s uterus walls, during her fertile period. The size or shape of the uterus and sometimes the lower area of the cervix experience changes because of these fibroids. More than a single fibroid tumor can occur in the uterus of a woman. Your doctor will analyse the size, location and number of tumors, and then decide on the treatment process accordingly. 

There are mainly three types of fibroids found in the uterus of a woman. 

  1. Subserosal are spotted in the outer wall layers of the uterus. 
  2. Intramural is located in the uterine wall’s muscular layers.
  3. Submucosal are tumors protruding into the uterine cavity. 

Studies show that up to 10% of women with infertility issues have fibroids. The location and size determine the fact of whether the fibroids in the uterus affect fertility.      It is essential that you consult an IVF specialist in India to check if the fibroids are hampering normal conception and opt for the best treatments available. 

The impact of fibroids on pregnancy 

Uterine fibroids can hinder fertility in different ways. 

  • Fibroids cause changes in the cervix shape, which can affect the transportation of sperm into the uterus 
  • The movement of the embryo or sperm is hampered because of the changes in the uterus shape caused by fibroids. 
  • Sometimes infertility happens when there is a fibroid blockage in the fallopian tube.
  • The uterine cavity’s inner lining size can be affected by fibroids, leading to infertility. 
  •  The free flow of blood through the uterine cavity can be hampered. This process can minimize the capacity of the embryo to implant or stick on or develop the uterine wall. 

Fibroids developed during pregnancy

Fibroids mostly do not develop during the pregnancy stage of the woman, but in rare cases, they might occur during the first trimester. That is because of the fact that to grow, these Fibroids need a hormone called oestrogen, which is produced more during the phases of pregnancy. However, you need to understand that not every fibroid growth causes issues or problems during the pregnancy period. Your doctors will closely monitor the development of the fibroid tumor, which can happen in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Complications due to fibroids during pregnancy

Your gynecologist will be concerned about the increasing size of the fibroids during pregnancy time, which might result in miscarriage or preterm birth. In severe cases the grown fibroids can hinder the supply of blood, thus causing chronic pain and hospitalization. 

The position of the baby in the uterus will also be affected by fibroids, which are harmful and increases the risk of preterm birth, miscarriage and cesarean birth section. Surgery to remove the abnormal growth of fibroids is rarely performed and recommended during the pregnancy stage. 

Surgical removal of uterus fibroids 

The surgical procedure for removing the growth of the abnormal fibroid in the uterus is known as Myomectomy. The surgeon with positive results can remove these noncancerous tumor developments hindering fertility. The surgeon will remove the fibroids that are causing infertility and reconstruct the damaged uterus. Studies show improvements from fibroids symptoms such as pelvic pressure, heavy menstrual bleeding and infertility issues, post-surgery.

Non-surgical removal of fibroids

Few Non-surgical treatments for new growth or recurring fibroids include the following:

  • Uterine artery embolization or the UAE treatment where blood supply is limited by injecting microscopic particles into the arteries of the uterus to remove fibroids. 
  • Radiofrequency volumetric thermal ablation treatments use heat friction through radiofrequency to melt the fibroids.
  • MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery treatment, introduces a heat source for the ablation of fibroids. 

Other Treatments for Fibroids infertility

The IVF Hospitals in India are well equipped with highly qualified doctors and top treatment, making infertility a less serious health issue to be concerned. “In Vitro Fertilization” or IVF could be considered the perfect treatment option for those women with fibroid infertility issues. If you experience infertility even after the fibroids are removed, IVF treatment could be considered the best option. 

IVF is a brilliant ART-assisted reproductive technology that helps a couple to get pregnant through implantation and embryo development. If you are diagnosed with fibroids, it can hinder the transportation of sperm to fertilize the egg in the ovary. It blocks fallopian tubes, causing damage and hindrances to the normal and proper reproductive process. IVF treatment is a valuable technology for couples with health problems and fibroid infertility issues. 


Vanya Health is a trusted and leading medical value travel company in India that is dedicated to supporting and guiding its patients through the pathway of fertility and enjoying the role of a loving parent. You can consult with their expert team of highly experienced and well qualified doctors, to address your fibroid infertility issues and experience the most efficient treatments.

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