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The kidney is an important part of the human body, we all are aware of its importance in our system. The main function of a kidney is to remove waste from the bloodstream, when the kidney fails to perform this function the waste gets accumulated in the body and leads to kidney failure over a period. To avoid kidney failure there are few effective treatments available and kidney transplant in India is a very reliable and famous treatment. But there are a few myths and misconceptions related to kidney transplants that discredit the treatment.

The most common myths are:

Myth 1: Kidney Transplantation should be the last option.

Fact: It is wrongly believed that patients who have undergone Kidney Transplants will not live longer. Kidney Transplantation in India is very famous because it can bring the patient back to normal life and it is also the best way to get rid of Chronic Kidney Disease. Overall, The success rate of kidney transplants is very good, the transplants from deceased donors have an 85 to 90% success rate for the first year, which means out of 100 transplanted kidneys 85 to 90% are still functioning. And the live donor transplants have 90 to 95% success rate. When you consult a nephrologist in India they will explain to you how after undergoing Kidney Transplant you will have a better quality and quantity life. Hence, it should not be the last option. 

Myth 2: Kidney Transplant is costlier as compared to dialysis.

Fact: Dialysis helps in removing the waste from the blood and other fluids with the help of a machine. It can be a lifelong procedure for many patients. On the other hand, Kidney Transplant is a one-time surgical procedure. Hence, you can easily calculate which treatment can be more affordable.

Myth 3: You can’t have a Kidney Transplant if you have been on dialysis for a long time.

Fact: No matter how many years you have been relying on dialysis you can still benefit from a Kidney Transplant. Being on dialysis does not mean your body can not benefit from the Kidney Transplant, you can always reap the benefits that a Kidney Transplant can provide.

Myth 4: You will have to wait for years or for a long time to get a Kidney Transplant done.

Fact: Nowadays, donations and other options are making it faster and easier to get a Kidney. The only case you will have to wait is when you do not get a compatible donor.

Myth 5: Anyone can donate a kidney for transplantation.

Fact: Not everyone is eligible to receive a kidney from anyone. The kidney transplantation can be conducted only with the kidney of the patient’s relatives like nephew, niece, cousins, spouse, brothers, and sisters and in case the donor is not the patient’s relative then the processing may take time. Even if you are a foreign patient looking to get a kidney transplant in India, you have to abide by the laws. It is very important to prove your relationship with the patient because in India you cannot donate a kidney for money.

Myth 6: Most Kidney Transplantation surgeries involve a lot of risks.

Fact: Through the passing years, the rate of Kidney Transplantation has increased and the use of advanced technology in top kidney transplant hospitals in India has also helped to lower the risk. The failed cases are getting close to nil. It has been seen that after a Kidney Transplant the patient and donor both can have a quality life.

Myth 7: One can’t get kidney disease after Kidney Transplantation is done.

Fact: Even after a Kidney Transplant one can develop kidney diseases. Mainly progressive scarring and rejections are developed. To avoid all these diseases the kidney transplant specialist in India will guide you with the proper diet and medications that you will be told to follow strictly.

Myth 8: I cannot get pregnant after Kidney Transplant.

Fact: Kidney Transplant does not affect other parts of the body. A female can get pregnant naturally after a Kidney Transplant without any doubt. But it is preferable to wait for 3-6 months post-surgery for your body to heal.

Myth 9: Sex life is affected after Kidney Transplant.

Fact: There is no such relation between sex life and Kidney. The productive power of the body remains the same. Even if you are a donor, your other parts will not be affected.

Myth 10: Donor’s life will turn upside down in case of food after Kidney Transplant.

Fact: Following a diet plan during surgery will be told to you by the doctors. Once the donor is recovered and healthy, there is no certain diet to follow for the donors. They can have a normal life as before. Well, because maintaining a healthy diet is good for everyone.

The Bottom Line:

Every treatment has its challenges and rewards. And every human body reacts with the treatment differently. Hence, without thorough research or knowledge, you should never blindly believe in anything said or read. It is always better to reach your doctor before coming to any conclusion. The doctors in India make sure that their patients are left with no doubts, due to the experience and dedication the medical value of travel in India has also increased. 


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