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What are kidneys?

Kidneys are the most significant organs in your body with the vital purpose of removing harmful toxins from your body. Perfectly functioning kidneys filter and removes unwanted water and wastes from the blood. It converts the wasted water into urine and passes them through the ureters into a storage unit known as the urinary bladder. The urinary tract thus includes your kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder. 

What is high blood pressure?

The blood pumped out from your heart generates a strong force that pushes against the walls of the blood vessels, and is known as blood pressure. This normal rate of BP converts into high blood pressure when the force amount placed by the flowing blood on blood vessel walls increases. 

How does high blood pressure affect the kidneys?

High blood pressure can narrow, compress and tighten the blood vessels. This process weakens and damages the blood vessels passing throughout your body. The flawless flow of blood is hindered and reduced due to the narrowing.

The blood vessels in your kidneys will also be damaged during this process, which affects the proper functioning of your kidneys. Therefore, the kidneys experience difficulties in removing the wastes and unwanted water from your body. 

When waste materials and water are not removed properly, the accumulated fluid will increase the rate of your BP level even more. This process will cause more damages that can result in kidney disease and failure. 

People who are Risky to have high blood pressure  

  • Blood vessels of Elderly people stiffen and thicken with age causing high blood pressure  
  • If a person has parents and family members with high blood pressure, then it can affect them too. 
  • People with harmful habits such as drinking plenty of carbonated beverages, or alcoholic drinks or eating excessive salty or oily or sugary or more unhealthy foods are at higher risk of high blood pressure 
  • People who are not performing any types of physical activities.

People who are Risky of Kidney disease

Other than high blood pressure the factors that could be considered risk factors causing kidney disease are the following-

  • If your parents or any family members have kidney diseases or failure, there are chances for you to be affected by the disease. 
  • Diabetes is another chief factor that could cause kidney damage. 

Symptoms of high blood pressure and kidney disease 

1. High Blood Pressure Symptoms 
People with high blood pressure will not experience any visible symptoms. However, in rare cases, they might feel severe headaches. 

2. Early Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms 
In the early stages of kidney damage, you will not experience any symptoms. But, as the kidney disease worsens and during the early stages of chronic kidney diseases, you might have oedema or swelling seen in your body. Oedema or swelling happens when the unwanted salt and fluids because of kidney diseases cannot be removed and accumulate causing problems. 

3. Symptoms of  advanced stages of chronic kidney diseases 
As the health condition of your kidney functioning is damaged severely leading to Chronic Kidney diseases, then you will experience a few symptoms such as the following-

  • Fatigue feeling
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Vomiting 
  • Nausea
  • Concentration problems 
  • Decreased or increased urination 
  • Sleep Deprivation 
  • Loss of weight
  • Breathing problems and pain in your chest
  • Muscle cramps

Tests and Diagnosis of high blood pressure

Blood pressure readings will be checked by your Doctors repeatedly and if it shows consistently readings higher than 130/80, then you will be diagnosed with high blood pressure. 

Test and Diagnosis of kidney disease 

Doctors will recommend a few tests and examinations to check the health condition of your kidney. 

  • GFR or the glomerular filtration rate is checked with blood tests to analyse if your kidneys are functioning properly and filtering your blood accurately.
  • If your kidneys are diseased or damaged your urine will contain a protein known ad Albumin. A urine test is required to measure the presence of Albumin.

If your doctor finds some abnormalities in your kidneys and blood pressure, they will recommend the best treatment options for a speedy recovery. 

Tips to prevent high blood pressure and kidney disease

If you want to reduce the high BP and protect your kidney from disease, you must control your blood pressure. Along with the prescribed medications, you should make some changes in your lifestyle. 

  • Avoid alcohol 
  • Stop smoking 
  • Follow a good exercise routine according to your body conditions. 
  • Maintain your weight.
  • Consuming a nutritious diet with less salt is very important for a healthy kidney. 
  • Follow a proper sleep routine and avoid stress.

Various other reasons could cause kidney disease but still, high blood pressure is considered the chief Cause that worsens your kidney's health condition. Exercise, keep yourself active, and follow a healthy lifestyle to prevent your kidney from being infected with diseases or failures. Consult with your doctor and check your blood pressure and kidney to stay healthy and free from any kidney damage and eliminate diseases. Stay healthy.

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