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Amidst the crisis of COVID-19, all we want is to stay safe and make out of it healthy but in these tough times, the patients suffering from one of the other diseases are getting affected the worse. This article is dedicated to the patients suffering from lung cancer and for introducing them to the risks associated with it due to the spread of the virus.

Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, prevalent in people of 65 years or more. The patients suffering from this disease are at a greater risk of getting caught by coronavirus infection in comparison to other parts of the population. Thus it is essential for such people to get aware of the symptoms, treatments and precautions that can prevent you from catching the virus and worsening your condition. These days lung cancer consultation in India is considerate of the current scenarios and lung cancer specialist in India are offering altered treatment processes for the betterment of the patient:

Treatment Facilities by the Lung Cancer Hospitals in India during COVID-19:

  • In regard to the new norms adopted during this crisis of coronavirus, there are various changes introduced by the lung cancer hospitals in India while delivering the treatment of the same. The treatment plans adopted by these hospitals are decided to keep the well-being of the patients and staff members in mind during the pandemic.
  • By initiating the facility of telemedicine, the lung cancer hospitals in India have limited the visits that cancer patients have to make to the hospital. With this, patients can get access to lung cancer specialists in India anytime they want, get follow-up, emergency treatments, instant check-up, and much more for speedy treatment. This leads every patient to get customized consultation without having to visit the hospital every time and exposing themselves to the virus. Teleconsultation has made it quite easy to get in touch with lung cancer specialists in India.

Preventive Measures:

Considering the health risk that Coronavirus has brought upon the lung cancer patients, specialists have recommended that following the given preventive steps can help them in curbing down the risk of getting infected during the season of COVID-19.

  • Thorough cleaning of hands for 20 seconds before meals, after coming back from outside, sneezing, blowing the nose, coughing, after getting in contact with another person or doing something that may involve germs and infections. Include it in your daily routine and follow it strictly.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth again and again.
  • Avoid going to crowded places, attending public functions, or coming in contact with something experiencing symptoms of having the flu.
  • Always use a sanitizer that consists of 60% alcohol.
  • Don’t get out too often and if you experience any of the symptoms given above, you’re recommended to isolate yourself.
  • Don’t forget to sanitize your home and surroundings if exposed to any outsider.

As lung cancer patients are already dealing with a life-threatening disease, knowing about the symptoms and risks suggested by the lung cancer specialist in India, you can help yourself from getting caught by the virus. The tips and suggestions will not just reduce the mortality rate but also help lung cancer patients to stay out of the reach of this virus which can prove to be deadly for them.
Lung Cancer Treatment Methods:

Surgery: In order to treat lung cancer, a diagnostic surgery is done to extract tissues for pathologic diagnosis of cancer that includes Trucut Biopsy or excisional/ incisional biopsy. If the cancer is diagnosed at an earlier stage then lobectomy is preferred in most of the cases for removing the affected lobe of the lung. In some of the severe cases, pneumonectomy is performed and the entire lung is removed.

Radiation Therapy: Radiotherapy is carried out in order to destroy the cancerous cells before they could spread and affect the other parts as well. In this kind of therapy, high-energy X-rays are employed to eliminate the cancerous cells and to destroy tumors. A lot of cancer patients are treated with radiation therapy along with other cancer treatments. The three main kinds of radiation therapies provided by the lung cancer hospitals in India are 3DCRT, also known as three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy, IMRT and IGRT. Along with retaining advanced methods to detect the tumor and offering highly accurate treatments, it has become quite convenient to handle cancer if it is detected at an early stage.

Chemotherapy: In stage IV lung cancer, chemotherapy is typically the main treatment. In stage IV patients, radiation is used only for palliation of symptoms. The chemotherapy treatment plan for lung cancer often consists of a combination of drugs.

Follow up care after Lung Cancer Surgery:

Just like any other kind of treatment, Lung cancer patients also require proper follow-up treatments and care after surgery or chemotherapy. Once the treatment is done, the patient is asked to appear regularly for a follow-up every 6 months at first. Due to constant monitoring and care, the survival rate of lung cancer patients has drastically improved in comparison to other kinds of cancer treatments.

Simply book an appointment with a lung cancer specialist in India and you’ll be guided through all the requirements professionally and will be provided with the best treatment there is.

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